Thursday, November 1, 2012

November is a month of adventures!

This month seems to be a month of adventures for us. Of course, as I am sure you are all aware (all two of you, ha!) who follow me on Facebook, the fourth annual Art and Soul Craft Sale is almost upon us. You can usually tell how close it is by how much glitter is spread around our house. Poor David. In years past it's landed on his weight bench, chair, clothing, and sadly one night it ended up on his dinner plate. This year is very very odd though.. NO GLITTER! That's right, not a bit of glitter in sight. This year I've entered metal stamping, wire hammering, and more. I've up-scaled my glitter obsession to Swarovski crystals, and I'm happy to say they're all accounted for. But, if you want to see glitter at my booth just glimpse down as I plan to wear these delightfully glittered flats!

This weekend marks the first time that Bethie will be able to attend a women's church retreat with me. In the past she was old enough but the timing was always bad, And, just to make it special Grandma Beth will be joining us. AND... if that isn't special enough we've ordered several boxes of Peacetree Mountain Truffles in which to indulge. Hang on to your socks... movies, and chocolate and chatting on Friday night, and an amazing day of teaching by Jan Silvius on Saturday. We'll be in Crown Point, Indiana with Crossroads Fellowship Ladies Conference.

The following weekend Bethie will be trying out for club volleyball. This is a HUGE step for her, and we're grateful for a club which practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sweet! This opens a new world to her, where she'll be able to indulge in her favorite sport and hone her skills.

The following weekend of course brings Art and Soul. (See above... ha!)

And finally, we get to make our second to last, Lord willing, drive to Longview, Texas to visit Aaron at college. This will be the first Thanksgiving we've spent with him in several years, followed a few weeks later by a visit for his graduation. WOW! Hoping Josh will be able to join us, but he's in the midst of his job hunt after his graduation this year. My boys are men now... what an odd thought! But exciting.

So, what does November bring for you?

Of course, if you're able you should all be out to vote next Tuesday. Meantime, you can certainly be praying for our country and our elected officials... new and old.


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