Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New Journies...

Over the past 10 months or so there have been any number of changes in my life. During this time I have tried hard to focus on God, His word, and His plan for my life. 

Until the age of 30 or so I was always under weight. SIGNIFICANTLY so... as in 20 pounds or more. Something changed after the birth of our second child and my body and I were not so friendly any more. It didn't seem to be treating me well and I was definitely not treating it well. Can you say cookies, ice cream and brownies? YIKES!

So, now here I am almost 50 and realizing I am not treating my body right. 

1 Corinthians 6:18-20

New American Standard Bible (NASB)
18 Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body. 19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? 20 For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.

So, what immorality? Gluttony, laziness, and neglect. And so this journey, a journey to physical health, begins. I've started Couch to 5K using a free app on my iPhone. It was so easy to use and seemed just the right plan. That is it seemed just right until an old nemesis returned. Shin splints. OUCH! Having spent the time and money years back for properly fitted orthotics, and this year for properly fitted running shoes I really hoped that the flat feet were not going to be an issue. Alas, it was not to be. I wanted to say my body had failed me, much as I had failed it. But, I'm going to look at this as a way in which the Lord will guide me to what HE thinks is "just right" for me. 

Back to biking. 

And healthy eating. 

Ah yes, no more ice cream for breakfast. Okay, maybe now and again. But not every day. So to kick off the healthy eating I tried a smoothie as shared by my friend April. Here it is in all it's loveliness. 

Green Smoothie

1 carton Greek yogurt (I used Dannon Oikos Vanilla)
5 strawberries
1 frozen banana
BUNCH of baby spinach leaves 
skim milk (Or almond milk, soy milk, whatever)

Blend till smooth. I know... the color. OH MY! And the texture isn't much better. But, April was right, you don't taste the spinach. Give it a try. I had this smoothie and a bowl of rice for dinner last night. Not bad. 

Meanwhile, I'll continue to exercise, back to biking for while, and remember that God joys over me with singing. What a concept! May you also experience that joy!

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